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StudentNow promotes responsible political action. Draft Notice in the Mail? - Skip voting and this could happen to you!
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No matter your beliefs, we believe in your right exercise freedom of speech in political areas.

Responsible Political Action Means:

- Speaking out for what you believe.

- Voting in this and every election.

- Do research about the issues and not merely repeat what you heard.

- Responsible behavior: no violence, no property destruction, no name calling.

- Encouraging Debate and discussion.

- Respectful disagreements

- Don't alienate people you are trying to convince.

- Opinions have little value without facts and logical arguments.

- Investigate a variety of sources including those with which you disagree.

- Influence the people who are close to you: among your family, friends, community, schools and city and state.

Government Sites:

U. S. Senate Official U.S. Senate Web site

U.S. House of Representatives Official Web site of U.S. House of Representatives

Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet - Information on Legislastive action and Congressional activities.

White house Official White house site

Primary Documents of American Democracy:

Declaration of Independence

U. S. Constitution

The Bill of Rights

More Constitutional Amendments

Non-Partisan Information:

Rock the Vote: a non-profit, non-partisan organization, founded in 1990 in response to a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression.
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hear celebrity PSAs even receive a free mp3!

Contacting the Congress an up-to-date database of congressional contact information for the current Congress.

C-Span Congress Guide Congressional voting record search, current legislation & key votes. Also view videos of hearings & other programs.

Vote Smart Dedicated to upholding the ideal of democracy and serving the American people with unbiased and accurate information.

Political News & Analysis:

The Week Magazine News Digest of the the best of US and international News.

Google News presents information culled from approximately 4,500 news sources worldwide, updated throughout the day.

The Christian Science Monitor: One of the only objective international daily newspapers with a public service mission.

National Public Radio - Public radio news magazine with a strong Web presence. Online journal of culture and politics from progressive perspective. Online magazine of news and commentary from progressive perspective.

AlterNet highly acclaimed Internet information source that provides readers with crucial facts and passionate opinions.

Newsweek - Mainstream News Magazine

Time Magazine - Mainstream News Magazine

US News and World Report - Mainstream News Magazine

The Guardian - World Latest (UK) Daily London Newspaper section providing a UK perspective on World news. See also US Election Report

The Nation - Progressive News and Opinion Since 1865

Mother Jones - Long time progressive journalism.

The New Republic - founded in 1914 to provide intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy and culture.

The Wall Street Journal The leading global business publication of Dow Jones.

CNN Innovator of the the cable News craze.

Businessweek The world’s most widely read business magazine.

The Economist The Economist is written for a global audience of senior business, political and financial decision-maker.

ZNet   A progressive magazine and community of alternative news, opinions, and resources

Smoking Gun The place showing actual documents on topical news.

Progressive Sites:

MoveOn Promotes democracy in action by bringing ordinary people back into politics. MoveOn PAC: support to candidates who embrace moderate to progressive principles Free Bumper Sticker

Democracy for America Formerly "Dean for America", this progressive site continues where Dean's Presidential run left off.

John Kerry For President Official Web site of the Kerry Campaign

Democratic National Committee Official site of the Democratic Party

Progressive Majority promoting innovative and idealistic candidates working to build a practical and progressive future.

WorkingForChange is an online journal of progressive news and opinion published by Working Assets.

California Peace Action works to reduce verious threats to peace an and to promote international cooperation.

Electronic Frontier Foundation works to protect our fundamental rights and civil liberties regardless of technology.

Conservative Sites:

Republican National Committee Official Site of the Republican Party

College Republican National Committee Republicans on Campus.

Bush Re-election Site Official site of President Bush re-election campaign.

Cato Institute - Conservative Economic Analysis

Columns & Blogs:

Arianna Online A reformed conservative now a big time progressive. Great writer.

Kausfiles Slates Mickey Kaus's mostly political Blog.

Greg Palast Columns Web Log The Author of "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"

Toby's Political Diary Liberal Blog

Drudge Report The famous muckety muckraker

Molly Ivins Columnist and writer of "Who Let the Dogs In?"

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