to Survive on a Student Budget
girls are sitting on some steps in the middle of the University
Union. One takes a brown bag bulging with goodies out of her backpack.
The next girl pulls out her plastic bagful of lunch.
third girl sitting a few feet away on the cold cement step leans
over to ignore the hunger pain shooting through her stomach. She
didn't have any money for lunch since her phone bill for the month
was a little bigger then expected. Now, she has to deal with the
consequence until payday. It's not that the two girls with a lunch
have any more money then the other. In fact, if their incomes were
all compared, they would come to about even. The thing that separates
the three is that two of them know how to live on a "student budget."
efficiently on a student budget starts with knowing the town. I
remember my freshman year when the number of times I went into the
actual town part of San Luis Obispo, where I go to school, was only
about once a month. By the end of the year this number increased
as I got more and more familiar with my surroundings, but for a
while, living in the dorms kept me pretty isolated.
found that getting over the fear of living in a new place is the
first and most important step in living efficiently on a student
budget. After this fear is mastered, here are eight tips on how
to eat cheaply.
LESSON 1: Meeting People
Related Book:
Sort Out Your Money:
The Only Personal Finance Book You Need to Read to Get You Through the Recession

By: Langdon, Ken; Middleton, John
Published By: Infinite Ideas
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