3: Farmers Market
every town has a farmers market, but a good number of them do. For
the towns that do, local farmers pick one day of the week to meet
in a designated spot and sell their produce and anything else that
people will buy. Farmers market day should be taken with precaution
for students on a budget. Depending on what time of the day the
market is held, it is not a good idea to eat for at least three
hours before. The reason for this is to make sure full advantage
can be taken of the samples sitting on the tables near the produce
or other edible goods. Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. is a popular
time for farmers market to be held. This is good because it opens
just in time for breakfast and a student can go and fill up for
free. In San Luis Obispo, farmers market is held on Thursday evening
starting at 6 p.m. I'll never forget when I skipped lunch one Thursday,
in preparation for the samples at farmers market. Being on a "student
budget," of course I only had about $1.00 in my possession, so I
couldn't afford any lunch anyway. When a friend and I arrived at
farmers market, samples never tasted so good. We started at the
peach and nectarine table where we sampled about two of each. From
the peaches we went on to grapes then to carrots and last corn and
by the time farmers market was over, we had taken full advantage
of about every sample that was given out. I ended up going home
filled up and it was all healthy food.
4: Fruit trees and vegetable gardens
should be happy if the area where they live has the right kind of
terrain for fruits and vegetables to grow. Too many people don't
realize the hidden benefits of the orange tree down the street,
or the tomato plant growing in the backyard at their rental house.
For a low budget student, plants such as these are as good as gold.
I wanted to test this hypothesis to see just how much food it could
obtain for me. I did my experiment around the college town of San
Luis Obispo where I live. Setting aside only about two hours, I
rode my bike around to various neighborhoods filling my backpack
with anything I could find. Asking permission from the owner first,
is a good idea to avoid conflicts that could be expensive and time
consuming. After getting permission, I got back to my experiment.I
found oranges most and picked so many that I had to give some away
to a homeless person to make room in my backpack for more of a variety
of produce. I also found apples, avocado (which are expensive in
stores), and some little, round, reddish-yellow "mystery fruit."
When coming across mystery fruit or vegetables, it is important
to make sure it is not poisonous because doctor bills are especially
5: Drink Water, Carbo-Load on Beer
Meeting People
Free Samples
Farmers Market
Fruit Trees & Vegetable Gardens
Drink Water, Carbo-Load on Beer
Fraternity & Sorority BBQ's
Just Ask
Guilt & Conscience
